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Governor’s Office Creates Red Tape Review Commission

Oct 11, 2010

Acting Governor Kim Guadagno recently signed Executive Order No. 41, establishing an ongoing, bi-partisan Red Tape Review Commission, which will continue the Administration’s efforts to streamline State Government and spur economic activity in NewJersey.

Soon after taking office, Governor Christie announced the creation of a Red Tape Review Group to review areas where rules and regulations could be made less burdensome, less complicated and less expensive for small businesses to succeed in New Jersey.

The nine-member Commission will include four members from the New Jersey State Legislature, four public members with experience and expertise in the regulatory process in addition to the Lieutenant Governor. The Commission will review administrative rules and regulations, and solicit public input on regulatory barriers in order to analyze the impact on job creation, economic growth and investment throughout the State.

The Commission will make recommendations to the Governor for improving NewJersey’s regulatory climate by providing periodic reports, and serve as an ongoing advisory resource to the Governor.

NJ CAR is encouraged by this Administration’s efforts to make New Jersey’s business climate as conducive to success as possible.