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Motor Vehicle Registration Renewals Will Soon Be Sent Directly To Lessees 

Jan 10, 2023

NJ S324 was signed into law in November 2021 and requires NJMVC to send the applications for registration renewal directly to the lessee instead of the lessor or vehicle owner (for auto passenger registration codes 7, 8, & 15).  The change will impact more than 800,000 New Jersey motorists. In addition, the law also provides the following benefits:

  • Lessees will now be offered the opportunity & added convenience of renewing their vehicle registration online, as well as by mail or in person at a Vehicle Service Center.
  • Lessees are no longer required to present a Power of Attorney (POA) from the lessor to facilitate their registration renewal.
  • The registration extraction schedule is slated for January 7, 2023, and the changes will be put into production effective for April renewals.
  • The registration renewal application has also been modified to include a QR code that will direct the customer to the NJMVC’s registration landing page.

This is good news for dealerships and consumers, because it eliminates inconvenience and streamlines the process for lessees.