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Natural Gas Market Showing Surprising Savings, While Electric Market Deals With Higher Prices

Sep 29, 2022

For over ten years, NJ CAR has had an energy program for its members through Sprague Energy.  During that time, we have provided consistent electric savings for over 200 dealerships.  Unfortunately, times have temporarily changed due to the lingering affects of the pandemic, as well as the Ukraine war.

When the pandemic was in full force and energy prices declined, both Atlantic City Electric (ACE) and Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) purchased their electricity supply – benefiting from lower demand and lower prices.  All third-party suppliers are dealing with the much higher pricing of today’s volatile market. As an ACE or JCP&L customer, your utility may currently be offering the best electricity option.  If you are presently under a third-party electric supply agreement, you should compare rates versus the utility at renewal time.

NJ CAR realizes that you get hundreds of calls from third-party suppliers wanting to quote your electric needs and claiming they can save you money.  We will be happy to review any quotes you receive to verify their legitimacy.  Our biggest concern is to protect our dealer members.

We will continue to monitor the ever-changing market and will reach out to you when the market stabilizes. NJ CAR appreciates your support and looks forward to regaining your business when we can once again provide savings.


You may now be able to lower your Natural Gas costs.  Please send your latest gas bill to [email protected] so we can provide a quote on that portion of your energy needs. Any questions, contact Gail Caputi @ 609.760.2043.